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Monday, July 2, 2012

Dueling in Pottermore

Petrificus Totalus, the Full Body-Bind, as used in a duel on Pottermore. Source
     In order to duel in Pottermore, you must have first received your wand from Ollivanders (Chapter 5Moment 4). To correctly perform a duel, you must click on the first letter or press its key on the keyboard; then, when the circle is at its largest, click or press again. When the white trailing line reaches the center of each letter, click it or press its key once for a circle to appear and once again when each circle is at its largest. After this is done for the last letter, you will be notified how well you performed and once both you and your opponent have finished your scores will be compared. Whichever one of you achieved the highest score will win, and if your opponent is from a different house the winner will receive 5 points for their house.
     The first trick to dueling is choosing the spell with highest possible score. Right now it is Petrificus Totalus, the Full Body-Bind, with the highest possible score of 145.

     The next most important trick is getting the rhythm down. The circle takes exactly three fourths of a second to grow to its maximum size, and the line takes three fourths of a second to travel between each letter. The most accurate method to get the rhythm down is to use a metronome. This online one works best for me. Set it so it matches the rhythm of the spell  (80 beats per minute), then click once every beat for each circle, and once every beat for the line that snakes between the letters. The rhythm for a perfect Full-Body Bind, for example, is like this (one beat per letter):


Kind of like a horse clopping, isn't it? Now get out there and win some duels - unless you're not a Ravenclaw, in which case you really should just forget this post and never win a duel again.


  1. I've seen petrificus with 146, so be careful!

    1. I've contacted the Pottermore Staff and they responded that the limit is 145 and that the dueling system is not faulty. Are you completely sure you've seen it with a score of 146?

    2. I have seen 146 also but then the person doing that got half his points deducted and he does not do that anymore. -Zane

    3. Yes, I know around that time there were some users who were cheating by using computer programs so that they would get points in duels without actually doing it themselves. The max was always 145 though

  2. thanks iam a ravenclaw....i hope it helps

  3. Ravenclaw here. Thanks for the tip! I am a new student.

  4. Heck yeah Ravenclaw.. whenever I try to go to the Christmas scene to get the Curses and Counter Curses it won't let me go past The Hut on the Rocks moment.. help >___<

  5. I'm Gryffindor... my highest score is 150... but I've seen people with higher... thanks for the tips!


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